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Palazzo Milzetti

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I Miti

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Aeneas is the famous hero of Troy.
His parents are Afrodite and Anchises.
Aeneas married Creusa and they had their son Ascanius.
Aeneas took part in the war of Troy, after he was attacked by Achilles on Ida mountain and he was recognized as a browp warrior and hero after his fighting.
Following the testimony of Homer, Aeneas reigned over Troade after the destruction of Troy.
According to Virgil instead Aeneas left the town with Anchises and Ascanius.
Aeneas built a ship with a group of friends and he sailed to Italy.
During his journey he was swept by a terrible sea storm and he was shipwrecked in Carthage, where he was rescued and loved by Dido.
They had a passionate love affair, but he knew his destiny was not there, so Aeneas had to leave her.
He arrived in Italy and he is told to have landed on the coast of Latium.
He was received by a Latin king and after a short while Aeneas married his daughter Lavinia.
He fought against Turnus, king of Rutulos, he won and eventually killed him.
Turnus had meant to prevent Aeneas from seize Latium and marry Lavinia as he knew Aeneas’ dinasty would put on end to his reign.
According to Virgil in fact "Gens Iulia" (descendant of Iulias Aeneas son) are descendant from Venus progenitress.

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Gianlorenzo Bernini,
Aeneas, Anchises, & Ascanius,

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Palazzo Milzetti

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