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Palazzo Milzetti

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I Miti

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Anfitrytis and Neptune


The myth is about the marriage between Neptune and Anfitrytis. The first is the king of the seas, identified and well known with Greek name of Poseidon. Anfitrytis was one of Nereus and Doride’s daughters, who were known as Nereides. She was the remembered and mentioned as she used to direct her sisters choir.
One day Neptune saw her dancing with her sisters on the beach; he felt in love with her so deeply and passionately that he kidnapped her.She was so shy and scared of meeting him that she would hide herself in the darkness of the sea each time she had to meet him.
Once she was found by some dolphins; they brought her back to Neptune who married her. So she became the sea’s queen.


The picture is divided into two parts.on the left there is Neptune who is standing on his chariot drawn by his horses. He has an imposing appearance, he’s holding his trident. His interest and his attraction for her is so visible that he seems to be going to step over her only to reach her hand. Poseidon is stretched to Anfitrytis but she seems as she will draw back, frightened from the powerful size of Neptune.
On the right there is Anfitrytis raised to the surface of the God by unknown divinities.
In the background there are other Goddesses and in the sky there are two angels who are delivering her the nuptial veil.
The colours are the typical of the ancient age, and they are bright to show up up the black background of the room.

Cupola: nozze fra Nettuno e Anfitrite

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Palazzo Milzetti

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